However, for those finding to this question, and who have compatible formats, and want to just change the container from MOV to MP4: ffmpeg -i input.mov -c copy output.

ProRes is not compatible in MP4, so you can't just do a stream copy (like a copy and paste). You can omit -vf format=yuv420p if you're uploading to YouTube.You may notice a slight reduction in color fidelity, but it is required for wide compatibility.If you need the output to be playable in non-FFmpeg based players add -vf format=yuv420p : ffmpeg -i input.mov -crf 18 -vf format=yuv420p output.mp4 Output file will be huge, and your player may not like it. Visually lossless ffmpeg -i input.mov -crf 18 output.mp4 A value of 0 is lossless, and 18 looks lossless but really isn't. How to convert ProRes to H.264 (MP4) with no quality loss? Once upload completed, converter will redirect a web page to show the conversion result. Click button 'Convert' to start upload your file. ProRes and H.264 are two completely different formats, so comparing bitrates is meaningless. This MOV to MP4 converter can convert MOV (QuickTime Movie) files to MP4 (MPEG-4 Video) video.